Exclusive Services

Lending Programs
We offer a “Multiples Loan Program” that enables the Project to access a Credit Facility that can be up to 3X your Initial Funds amount. Note that those initial funds must be a minimum of $10M USD.
We pride ourselves on not having any involvement in the actual securing or control of your initial funds. This entire process is handled by a fully regulated third party (ie: Bank, Lawyer), and is conducted solely between the borrower and that regulated party. It is simply our goal to ensure that wherever your initial funds is held, it will never be placed at risk, and it is always under your control.
Crypto Monetization
Our Banking Affiliate will accept the top coins in the industry, but when you speak with them about your wallet(s), you can confirm which coins are accepted at that point, as things may change over time.
You may choose either keeping them in your present Coin form in the participating Bank Wallet, or having the Bank convert them into cash for you in a tax optimized manner. You will then have a bond attached to the account that will pay a strong monthly coupon rate. Contact us for details.
Fixed Income Programs
Boulevard Capital Partners have access to programs that can deliver a fixed return of up to 1.5% per month while fully protecting cash deposit it in a third party regulated party (bank or lawyer).